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Peter Abelard Jane Addams Anselm of Canterbury
St. Thomas Aquinas Aristotle St. Augustine (Latin)
St. Augustine Jane Austen - Correspondence Jane Austen
J.L. Austin A.J. Ayer Sir Francis Bacon
Sir Francis Bacon - Correspondence Joanna Baillie Aphra Behn
Jeremy Bentham Bishop Berkeley Bluestocking Feminism 1738-1785
Robert Boyle - Correspondence Robert Boyle British Philosophy 1600-1900
Emily Bronte Frances Burney - Correspondence Frances Burney - Plays
British Women Writers John Calvin G.K. Chesterton
Samuel Taylor Coleridge R.G. Collingwood Anne Conway
Charles Darwin Donald Davidson René Descartes
John Dewey Charles Dickens Economic Philosophy
George Elliot The Emerging Tradition 1500-1700
Frederick Engels Adam Ferguson Ludwig Feuerbach
J.G. Fichte Francis of Assissi William Gladstone
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Thomas Hardy Eliza Haywood
G.W.F. Hegel Thomas Hobbes David Hume
Henry James William James Samuel Johnson
Immanuel Kant Søren Kierkegaard John Knox
The Latin Background Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz George Henry Lewes
John Locke Martin Luther Joseph de Maistre
Thomas Malthus Katherine Mansfield Karl Marx
John Stuart Mill The Modern Era, 1800-1950 Elizabeth Montagu
Motif Index of Folk Literature Cardinal Newman Friedrich Nietzsche
Oxford Classical Dictionary William of Ockham Oxford Companion to Philosophy
Oxford Duden Dictionary Blaise Pascal Charles Sanders Peirce
The Philosophers Hester Lynch Piozzi Plato
John Poinsot Political Philosophy Alexander Pope
The Continental Rationalists The Romantic Age Josiah Royce
George Santayana F. W. J. von Schelling Friedrich von Schiller
Arthur Schopenhauer Mary Shelley - Journals Mary Shelley - Novels
Henry Sidgwick Georg Simmel Adam Smith
Herbert Spencer Benedict Spinoza Jonathan Swift
John Millington Synge Alfred Lord Tennyson Ernst Troeltsch
Max Weber John Cook Wilson Ludwig Wittgenstein
Mary Wollstonecraft The Wordsworths William Butler Yeats